
 307 points 4:16

Team introduction

The current Raptor-B team has participated in Robocup Jr., Rescue Maze modality, since 2017, accumulating experience and improving knowledge to meet the competition's demands.
We got involved with Robotics through classes given at our school (Colégio N. Sra. De Fátima - Sacramentinas / Vitória da Conquista, Bahia - Brazil) and since then, we have participated in several regional and national competitions.
The team was formed because of the individual interest of each member to seek new challenges in robotics. In order to continue the work done by previous students, new skills were acquired by everyone involved.
In our last participation (LARC / CBR 2019) we improved the robot's intelligence and implemented new methods of visual identification. Unfortunately, the robot faced several problems, despite the good performance in our tests.
The virtual competition is an unique opportunity to put into practice the code developed and improved over the years, learn new techniques and share, in this pandemic scenario, rewarding moments with colleagues, even if virtual.


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Simulation Demonstration Competition

Following the June 23-25th Workshops, the RoboCupJunior Rescue League and the RoboCup Rescue Simulation League are going to host a simulation demonstration competition virtually. The competition will be run based on the RoboCupJunior Rescue Simulation (Demonstration) Rules 2020*. All teams under 19 years old as of July 1st 2020 are invited to this demonstration competition.

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