TFA 309

 340 points 4:46

Team introduction

TFA309 is a team from Vancouver, Canada.
There are three team members, Leo, Victor, and David, they are all learning robotics at TFA Academy, and started this team in late August.
They meet three times every week at The Future Academy.
Leo is in grade 10. He is responsible for maze navigation. He programs the robot to explore the maze as much as possible. He uses gps and gyro sensors to adjust the robot’s movement.
Victor is in grade 11. He is responsible for data analysis and victim detection. Basically, he graphs the raw data from the sensors to find signal noise or exceptions. In victim detection, he uses OpenCV to find the H, S, and U.
David is in grade 8. He is responsible for challenging the robot’s reliability. He tries to design simulation worlds to make the robot fail or get less points.
They are very excited to participate in Rescue Simulation Demonstration Competition. They hope to showcase what they have learned.


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About this competition

Simulation Demonstration Competition

Following the June 23-25th Workshops, the RoboCupJunior Rescue League and the RoboCup Rescue Simulation League are going to host a simulation demonstration competition virtually. The competition will be run based on the RoboCupJunior Rescue Simulation (Demonstration) Rules 2020*. All teams under 19 years old as of July 1st 2020 are invited to this demonstration competition.

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