RoboCupJunior Rescue Line: Alpha Team Presentation

Keywords: RCJ Rescue Line, Line Tracing, Obstacle Avoidance, Alpha Team, Evac Zone
 Line Junior
Presented by  Alpha Team   from  


Our commitment in the RCJ Rescue Line Challenge was not to be taken lightly. Late nights and rushing to finish our code had become the norm during the months that we prepared for the competition. This process was made only more difficult due to the COVID-19 pandemic interference, which added virtual collaboration to the mix. Although the interference disrupted our classes and delayed our competition, it should not be ignored that COVID-19 not only strengthened our ability to adapt to uncomfortable situations. In spite of all the roadblocks we faced in communication and collaboration, in the end we pushed through and cultivated an even more streamlined design for the robot. From new programming techniques and team building to virtual collaboration and communication, our journey aided our mastery in a multitude of topics. The presentation that we have created showcases every step of the way to the final competition, and highlights our hardships and experiences and how we endured them despite the condition we were in. Overall, the competition has left us more experienced in the matter of communication and programming, and has left us, the Alpha Team, stronger.


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About this virtual event

Virtual Presentation Event

RCJ Rescue would like to hold a virtual presentation event to have some conclusion to the 2020 RoboCupJunior year for rescue Line and rescue Maze. The idea of this virtual event is to have a formal opportunity for teams present their excellent work within the RCJ rescue community in a condensed form, and to have some sense of closure to the year.

Participating teams will create a video about their progress and work, which will be made available for other teams to host discussions and gain inspiration for the future.

While awards cannot be issued by the RoboCup Federation, teams participating will be recognised by the RCJ Rescue TC/OC committees and a range of awards will be given for outstanding presentations.

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