RoboCup 2020 Rescue line, Skytech

Keywords: Robot, Automatic robot, 3d model, 3d printer, Devices, Clow, Sensors, Arduino, Push button, Line, Obstacle, Victim, Freecad, Fritzing, Repetier host, Programming
 Line Junior
Presented by  Skytech   from  


- introduccion of members
- Objetives of the video
- structure of the robot, principal materials
- History and evolución of the robot, first protototipes
- Advantages of wood (mdf)
- intoduction of 3d printer
- Advantages of 3d printer
- Devices used in the robot
- Advanteges of the Arduino system
- tracking the line with sensor qtr-8a
- How works an infrared signal
- Detection of interseccion with Tsc3200
- Cny detection of obstacles, rescue kit and victims
- H brigh tb6612fng
- Using push bottons to detect obstacles
- Problems protecting the sensors
- Programming and issues with the code robot
- Rear and front wheel drive
- Distribución of devices pcb, infrared sensors and motores
- Testing with 3d models
- Importing and exporting with Repetier program
- Designed 3d Soport parts to motors and servos
- Issues with 3d impresions
- Delevop of the clow
- Printing in separete steps
- Distribución and evolución of the protototipes
- Designed 3d parts with freecad program
- Creating pcbs
- Fritzing program
- Evolution of pcbs
- Conclusión


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About this virtual event

Virtual Presentation Event

RCJ Rescue would like to hold a virtual presentation event to have some conclusion to the 2020 RoboCupJunior year for rescue Line and rescue Maze. The idea of this virtual event is to have a formal opportunity for teams present their excellent work within the RCJ rescue community in a condensed form, and to have some sense of closure to the year.

Participating teams will create a video about their progress and work, which will be made available for other teams to host discussions and gain inspiration for the future.

While awards cannot be issued by the RoboCup Federation, teams participating will be recognised by the RCJ Rescue TC/OC committees and a range of awards will be given for outstanding presentations.

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