Robotron - RoboCupJunior Rescue Virtual Presentation Event 2020

Keywords: Learnings, Experiences, Challenges, Laborious, Simple, Brazil, Robotics, Arduino, Robotron, Line follower
 Line Junior
Presented by  Robotron   from  


The members of the Robotron team, Kamylo Serafim Porto, Kauã Librelato da Costa and Jean Carlos Nesi, students at the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina, Criciúma, Brazil, share some experiences, difficulties and their results in the state and national stages of the Brazilian Robotics Olympiad ( Obr) of 2019. They comment on how they achieved an excellent result, compared with other teams and participations of their schools, with a simple robot with few components. Kamylo, together with his friend Lucas Adriano dos Anjos, tells us about the preparation and robot desenvolvment and function for this year. Also, the tutor teacher, Douglas Lucas dos Reis, talks a little more about the participation of the team and the students.


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About this virtual event

Virtual Presentation Event

RCJ Rescue would like to hold a virtual presentation event to have some conclusion to the 2020 RoboCupJunior year for rescue Line and rescue Maze. The idea of this virtual event is to have a formal opportunity for teams present their excellent work within the RCJ rescue community in a condensed form, and to have some sense of closure to the year.

Participating teams will create a video about their progress and work, which will be made available for other teams to host discussions and gain inspiration for the future.

While awards cannot be issued by the RoboCup Federation, teams participating will be recognised by the RCJ Rescue TC/OC committees and a range of awards will be given for outstanding presentations.

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